IRS Tax Forms & Schedules 2023, 2024

Prepare and e-file these 2023 Tax Forms by the April IRS tax deadline. Prepare IT yourself, but not alone! Only has a personal tax support page where all your tax questions will be answered by human Taxperts® - not electronic agents. We are here to help, guide, and accompany you through this tax form jungle & tax mumbo jumbo.

eFile Tax forms

Around 65 million self-prepared returns were e-filed in 2023!

See more tax statistics.
Why eFile? Find out!

Before you prepare and e-file your taxes, prepare to tax prepare so you can get an idea of your tax situation. Tip: Don't rush into filing as you might overlook forms that could result into tax amendment. Estimate your personal tax refund date before you estimate your tax return with the free Taxstimator. provides many free and simple tax tools to help you determine your IRS filing status, different tax credits you may qualify for, and many more pieces of tax information pertaining to your situation. Don't worry about the mathematics; uses IRS data to build accurate calculators and a tax preparation platform that incorporates current IRS information.

Don't Get TurboCharged and TurboTaxed: Do IT Less Taxing!

Dare to compare: vs. H&R Block® vs. TurboTax®.

File your federal and state returns together on for less. Note that you cannot just prepare and e-file current year state tax returns - except for California - without also e-filing the IRS return. This is an IRS/state data sharing policy, not an policy. However, you can just prepare one or more state tax return(s) via all states at one low price, not price per state! Then, download, print, sign, and mail in the forms. We do not recommend this and instead advise that the federal and state return(s) are prepared together that way they can all be electronically filed. If you are doing this to save on tax preparation fees, contact us as we will meet 'n beat any price.

2023 Tax Statements, Forms You Enter and eFile

In order to give you more clarity on which form does what and when you may need it, we have broken this down into:

A: The forms you need to provide,
B: Tax forms the eFile Tax App will generate for you based on your entries, and
C: Tax forms that can only be paper filed after being generated on However, there is a bit of grey zone; no worries! We are here for you to navigate through this. In the right side column, click on eFileIT, FileIT, etc. to get more details on a form.

Tax Form Navigation Menu
Statement forms, like W-2, 1099, and 1098 you might receive by January 31, 2024 all depending your personal income sources or deductions. Gather these documents by using the prep-to-tax-prep checklist. Once you think you are good to go, start your account and begin entering the data from these forms. When done, the eFile Tax App will then calculate your return, select the forms, and create your 2023 IRS and/or state tax return(s) for you.
After your entries are done in the eFile Tax App, just click Continue or Save and the tax app will auto-generate these forms for you. With a few exceptions, you might have to select some forms in the app. When done, eFile the forms to the IRS and state(s).
These tax return forms have not been made part of e-filing process by the IRS and/or state - not Click on the form name or number and they will load for your to complete, sign, and download. You can not e-file these forms, but mail them.

2023 Tax Forms You Enter or the Tax App Generates for You

A list of tax statements and forms you received and enter. Plus, all the forms the Tax App will can auto-generate for you based on your personal tax situation.

A: Income & Deduction Forms You Provide
Frequently reported income and deduction form statements you might have received - most of them by January 31, 2024. Enter the data on these forms during the step-by-step tax interview. As a result, the eFile Tax App will then auto-generate the forms for you based on your taxable income, deductions, credits, etc. before you eFile your returns. You will not have to include these forms when you eFile, but you do need to include them if you file them on paper.
W-2 Forms should be received by January 31, 2024. Enter the values on; you will not have to submit these forms to the IRS when you e-file. Keep them with your tax records.
Schedule-K Forms for business-related income as the result of business tax return Forms 1065, 1120, and 1041:
  • Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, and Other Items - Schedule-K 1065
  • Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, and Other Items - Schedule-K 1120
  • Beneficiary’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, and Other Items - Schedule-K 1041
  • See how to add any Schedule K Form (1065, 1120, and 1041).

Once you have entered the dollar values on, you will not have to submit these forms to the IRS when you e-file your return. Store them with your tax records.

Additional schedules, such as Schedule C and Schedule E, are listed below in the tax return form section. Search for them by name or description.
You can enter foreign income, deductions, credits, etc. on Visit the link and the associated pages for more details on how eFile helps you add foreign earned income to your U.S. tax return.
Tuition Statement: Taxable money a student receives to help in the pursuit of studies.
  • Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses
  • Scholarships and grants
  • Adjustments to scholarships or grants for a prior year
  • Reimbursements, refunds
  • What does this form look like?
Health Insurance Coverage Marketplace Statement
  • Health Insurance Marketplace Statement - 1095-A
  • Health Coverage - 1095-B
  • Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage - 1095-C
  • Self-Employed Health Insurance.
Mortgage Interest Statement - your home mortgage interest or points may be tax deductible if you itemize your deductions. Enter your 1098 form into your eFile account and the tax app will determine if it is more beneficial for you to itemize deductions or claim the standard deduction.
Student Loan Interest Statement
Your paid student loan interest and received by lender will be on this form. As the payer, you might be able to deduct student loan interest you paid on your income tax return. However, you may not be able to deduct the full amount of interest reported on the 1098-E statement. The Tax App will find out for you when you prepare and eFile.
Examples include un-reimbursed medical expenses, cash contributions, charity donations, and business expenses. For these qualifying deductions or expenses, you will receive an informal document or receipt. Enter the amounts while you prepare your return, but keep the documents as part of your tax records.
Additional deduction statements and forms are listed in the tax return form section below. You can search them by name or form number. When you eFile your taxes on, you will be asked and prompted as well so you do not overlook deductions and credits which save you money on taxes.
Your 2022 Adjusted Gross Income or AGI is on Form 1040, Line 11. If you eFiled your 2022 Return via, it will be in your account. If you need to get last year's AGI, you can get it from where you filed, from your records, or online via an IRS transcript; see options for obtaining your 2022 AGI.
If you wonder whether you have to or should prepare and eFile a 2023 Tax Return, look no further. The FILEucator Tax Calculator will get you the right answer without you having to read a lot of Tax Mumbo Jumbo!
B: Tax Return Forms by the Tax App
The eFile Tax App will auto-generate the following forms for you based on the data you entered on your taxable income, deductions, credits, etc. before you eFile your returns.
Individual Income Tax Return
1040 Instructions
Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
Schedule 1
Additional Income and Adjustments to Income
Schedule 2
Additional Taxes
Schedule 3
Nonrefundable Credit
Schedule A
Itemized Deductions - How to claim mortgage interest, medical expenses, and more as deductions.
Schedule B
Interest and Ordinary Dividends from rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, estates, trusts, REMICs.

Form 1099-INT, Form 1099-OID, 1099-DIV go here and $1,500 or more of taxable interest or ordinary dividends from a foreign account; or received a distribution from, or were a grantor of or a transferor to a foreign trust.

Schedule C
Profit or Loss From Business - Sole Proprietorship

Partnerships generally file Form 1065.

Schedule D
Capital Gains and Losses - Did you dispose of any investment(s) in a qualified opportunity fund during the tax year? If “Yes,” attach Form 8949 and see its instructions for additional requirements for reporting your gain or loss. eFile will generate this form for you.
  • Part I Short-Term Capital Gains and Losses—Generally Assets Held One Year or Less
  • Part II Long-Term Capital Gains and Losses—Generally Assets Held More Than One Year
  • Part III Summary
  • I got a 1099-B
  • What does this form look like?

Short-term transactions reported on Form 1099-B. Short-term gain from Form 6252 and short-term gain or (loss) from Forms 4684, 6781, and 8824 . Net short-term gain or (loss) from partnerships, S corporations, estates, and trusts from Schedule(s) K-1.

Schedule E
Supplemental Income and Loss From rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, estates, trusts, REMICs.
  • Part I Income or Loss From Rental Real Estate and Royalties. Note: If you are in the business of renting personal property, use Schedule C (see instructions). If you are an individual, report farm rental income or loss from Form 4835 on page 2, line 40.
  • Part II Income or Loss From Partnerships and S Corporations.
  • Part III Income or Loss From Estates and Trusts.
  • Part IV Income or Loss From Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits - REMICs - Residual Holder
  • Part V Summary
  • What does this form look like?

Once you have entered the dollar values on, you will not have to submit these forms to the IRS when you e-File your return. Store them with your tax records.

Schedule EIC
Schedule F
Farm Profit and Loss Statement - Schedule F:
  • Part I Farm Income—Cash Method
  • Part II Farm Expenses—Cash and Accrual Method
  • Part III Farm Income—Accrual Method
  • Part IV Principal Agricultural Activity code
  • What does the form look like?
  • Note: You may be able to avoid making tax estimate payments by e-filing your return and paying your entire tax due on or before March 1, 2024 for your 2023 Return.
Schedule H
Household Employment Taxes
Schedule J
Income Averaging for Farmers and Fishermen - Schedule J

Use Schedule J - Form 1040 - to elect to figure your income tax by averaging, over the previous 3 years - base years - all or part of your taxable income from your trade or business of farming or fishing. This election may give you a lower tax if your income from farming or fishing is high and your taxable income for 1 or more of the 3 prior years was low. What does the form look like?

Sample Schedule-K Forms for business related income as the result of business tax return Forms 1065, 1120 and 1041.
  • Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits - Schedule-K 1065
  • Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. - Schedule-K 1120
  • Beneficiary’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. - Schedule-K 1041

Once you have entered the dollar values on, you will not have to submit these forms to the IRS when you e-File your return. Store them with your tax records.

Schedule R
Credit for Elderly or the Disabled - Schedule R
Schedule SCH
Net Operating Loss Carry-forward - Schedule-C-8995-A
Schedule SE
Self-Employment Tax
Departing Alien Income Tax Return - 1040-C
Estimated Tax Payment for Individuals. You can pay tax estimates online at the IRS site, thus you do not have to file this Form 1040-ES.
Estimated Tax Payments For Nonresident Alien Individuals. You can pay tax estimates online at the IRS site, thus you do not have to file this Form 1040-ES.
Payment Voucher. You can pay taxes online at the IRS site, thus you do not have to file this Form 1040-V.
Tax Amendment - Change, Amend Your Income Tax Return
Schedule K-1 - Beneficiary's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. - 1041
Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons
Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding

Most nonresident alien individuals, nonresident alien fiduciary, and or foreign corporation with income generated in the U.S must file a U.S. income tax return. However, no return is required to be filed by a nonresident alien individual, nonresident alien fiduciary, or foreign corporation if such person was not engaged in a trade or business in the United States at any time during the tax year and if the tax liability of such person was fully satisfied by the withholding of U.S. tax at the source. What does this form look like?

Net Profit from Business - Sole Proprietorship
Schedule K-1 - Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. - 1065. See listed above under Schedule-K
Schedule K-1 - Shareholder's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. - 1120S. See listed above under Schedule-K
Charity Contributions
  • For all charitable contribution, see itemized deductions under Schedule A above.
  • Charitable contributions carryovers from prior years.
Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer - 1310
Employee Business Expenses - 2106
Multiple Support Declaration - 2120
Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, and Trust - 2210
Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Farmers and Fishermen - 2210-F
Tax Extension for U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad - 2350
Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains - 2439
Child and Dependent Care Expenses - 2441
Foreign Earned Income - 2555
General Business Credit - 3800
  • Part I Current Year Credit for Credits Not Allowed Against Tentative Minimum Tax
  • Part II Part II Allowable Credit
  • Part III General Business Credits or Eligible Small Business Credits.
Moving Expenses - 3903
Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels - 4136
Limitation on Business Losses - 461
Social Security and Medicare Tax on Unreported Tip Income - 4137
Recapture of Investment Credit - 4255
Casualties and Thefts - 4684
  • Section A: Personal Use Property (Use this section to report casualties and thefts of property not used in a trade or business or for income-producing purposes. You must use a separate Form 4684 (through line 12) for each casualty or theft event involving personal use property. If reporting a qualified disaster loss, see the instructions for special rules that apply before completing this section.
  • Section B: Business and Income Producing Property
  • Part I Casualty or Theft Gain or Loss
  • Part II Summary of Gains and Losses
  • Section C: Theft Loss Deduction for Ponzi-Type Investment Scheme Using the Procedures in Revenue
  • Part I Computation of Deduction
  • Part II Required Statements and Declarations
  • Section D: Election To Deduct Federally Declared Disaster Loss in Preceding Tax Year
  • Part I Election Statement
  • Part II Revocation of Prior Election.
Depreciation and Amortization - 4562
Sales of Business Property - 4797
Farm Rental Income and Expenses - 4835
Substitute for Form W-2
e-File Tax Extension for Individual Income Tax Returns - 4868
Investment Interest Expense Deduction - 4952
Tax on Accumulation Distributions of Trusts - 4970
Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions - 4972
Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts
First-Time Homebuyer Credit and Repayment of the Credit - 5405
Schedule H - Current Earnings and Profits
Schedule J - Accumulated Earnings & Profits of Controlled Foreign Corporation
Residential Energy Credits - 5695
Work Opportunity Credit - 5884
590-A Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)-Distributions
590-B Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)
Computation of Deductible Loss - 6198
Alternative Minimum Tax - 6251
Investment Sale Income - 6252
Gains/Losses on Contracts & Straddles - 6781
Noncash Charitable Contributions - 8283
Injured Spouse Allocation
Mortgage Interest Credit - 8396
Asset Acquisition Statement Under Section 1060
Foreign Partner’s Information Statement of Section 1446 Withholding Taxes
Nondeductible IRAs
  • Part I Nondeductible Contributions to Traditional IRAs and Distributions From Traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs
  • Part II Conversions From Traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRAs to Roth IRAs
  • Part III Distributions From Roth IRA
  • Part IV Consent Election.
Low-Income Housing Credit Allocation
Tax For Certain Children Who Have Unearned Income
Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund
Credit For Prior Year Minimum Tax - 8801
Parents' Election to Report Child's Interest and Dividends - 8814
Exclusion of Interest from Series EE Bonds 8815
Orphan Drug Credit - 8820
Like-Kind Exchanges - 8824
Disabled Access Credit - 8826
Expenses for Business Use of Your Home - 8829
Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure - 8829
Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit - 8834
Closer Connection Exception Statement for Aliens - 8840
Qualified Adoption Expenses - 8839
Empowerment Zone Credit - 8844
Employer SS and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employees - 8846
Archer MSAs and Long-Term Care Insurance Contacts - 8853
Initial and Annual Expatriation Statement - 8854
  • Part I General Information
  • Part II Initial Expatriation Statement for Persons Who Expatriated in 2023
  • Part III Annual Expatriation Statement for Persons Who Expatriated Before 2023.
Request for Innocent Spouse Relief - 8857
Carryforward for District of Columbia First-Time Home-buyer Credit - 8859
Information To Claim Earned Income Credit After Disallowance - 8862
Education Credits - American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits - 8863
Schedule K-1 - Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. - 8865
Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions - 8880
Employee Pension Plan - 8881
Employee Child Care - 8882
Health Coverage Tax Credit - 8885
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) see 1099-SA - 8889
Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production Credit- 8896
Domestic Production Activities Deduction - 8903
Credit to Holders of Tax Credit Bonds - 8912
8915-A Qualified 2016 Disaster Retirement Distributions - 8915-A
8915-B Qualified 2017 Disaster Retirement Distribution - 8915-B
Tuition and Fees Deduction - 8917
Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit - 8936
Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets - 8938
  • Part I Foreign Deposit and Custodial Accounts Summary
  • Part II Other Foreign Assets Summary
  • Part III Summary of Tax Items Attributable to Specified Foreign Financial Assets
  • Part IV Excepted Specified Foreign Financial Assets
  • Part V Detailed Information for Each Foreign Deposit and Custodial Account Included in the Part I Summary
Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets - 8949
Allocation of Tax Amounts Between Certain Individuals in Community Property States - 8958
Additional Medicare Tax - 8959
Net Investment Income Tax - 8960
Premium Tax Credit
Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave
Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness
Alimony paid or received during 2023 or before
Crop Insurance and Disaster Payments Deferred
CGLY - Ministerial Income Computations
Combat Pay
Disaster Designation
Educator Expenses
Long Term Care Insurance etc.
Oil and Gas Depletion Worksheet
Self Employed
Self-Employed Health Insurance Premium and Pension Plans
An overview of Virtual Currencies and Income Taxes
C: Tax Return Paper Forms you Mail In
Click on the form number or name and the file will load for you to complete, sign, download, share, or store.
Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens with No Dependents (The Form 1040-NR-EZ has been made obsolete by the IRS).
Sch. NEC
Tax on Income Not Connected to US Trade 1040-NR-Schedule-NEC
Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by Foreign Persons of U.S. Real Property Interests - 8288-A
Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Foreign Persons of US Real Property Interests
Release of Claim to Exemption for Child by Custodial Parent - 8332. This form also applies to some tax benefits, including the Child Tax Credit, Additional CTC, and the Credit for Other Dependents. It doesn’t apply to other tax benefits, such as the Earned Income Credit, Dependent Care Credit, or head of household filing status.
Schedule 8812: Additional Child Tax Credit - Form 1040

Caution: If you eFile Form 2555, stop here; you cannot claim the Additional Child Tax Credit!

Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical Condition - 8843
  • Part I General Information
  • Part II Teachers and Trainees
  • Part III Students
  • Part IV Professional Athletes
  • Part IV Individuals With a Medical Condition or Medical Problem.
Return of U.S. Persons with Respect for Certain Foreign Partnerships - 8865

Currently, you can not eFile this Form. Complete, sign, download, and mail it.

Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax Withholding-SS-8

Previous Tax Year IRS, State Income Tax Forms

You can no longer e-File tax returns for the tax years 2022 and prior. If you plan to prepare and file a tax return or tax amendment for these years, you can complete and sign them here on before you download, print, and mail the forms to the proper previous year return address - not the current year mailing address.

Previous tax year or back tax forms for 2022 to 2004.

Access state income tax return forms and schedules and addresses plus state tax deadlines.

Tax planning: Use this free 2024 Tax Refund Calculator to estimate your 2024 taxes and get ready for next year.
