Federal Form 1040 Schedule C - Profit Or Loss From Business
Form 1040 Schedule C is a supplemental form used to report the profit or loss from a sole proprietorship business. This schedule is used by self-employed individuals who operate a business as a sole proprietorship, including freelancers, independent contractors, and small business owners.
Purpose of Schedule C
Schedule C is used to report the income and expenses of a sole proprietorship business, calculating the net profit or loss from the business. The net profit or loss is then reported on the individual's Form 1040, and is subject to self-employment tax.
Who Needs to File Schedule C?
Self-employed individuals who operate a sole proprietorship business should file Schedule C along with their Form 1040. This includes:
- Freelancers and independent contractors
- Small business owners
- Consultants
- Artists and creatives
- Anyone who earns income from a business that is not incorporated
Types of Income Reported on Schedule C
Schedule C reports the following types of income:
- Business income from:
- Sales of goods or services
- Consulting fees
- Freelance work
- Commissions
- Rent and royalty income
- Cost of goods sold (if applicable)
Types of Expenses Reported on Schedule C
Schedule C reports the following types of expenses:
- Business expenses, including:
- Office expenses (supplies, rent, utilities)
- Travel expenses
- Equipment and supply expenses
- Insurance premiums
- Professional fees (legal, accounting, consulting)
- Advertising and marketing expenses
- Depreciation and amortization expenses
- Home office expenses (if applicable)
How to Complete Schedule C
To complete Schedule C, self-employed individuals should gather all relevant documents, including:
- Business income statements
- Expense receipts and invoices
- Bank statements and cancelled checks
- Depreciation and amortization schedules
Self-employed individuals should then report their business income and expenses on the appropriate lines of Schedule C, calculating the net profit or loss from the business.
Tips for Accurate Reporting
To ensure accurate reporting on Schedule C, self-employed individuals should:
- Keep accurate and detailed records of business income and expenses
- Separate business and personal expenses
- Take advantage of all eligible business deductions