Can you claim a Relative, Parent or Friend as a Dependent?
In case an individual does not qualify as a dependent on your tax return, answer a few simple questions below about your relationship with that person and find out if the person can be claimed with your current tax year return as a qualifying person or relative or Other Dependent; the person does not have to be a relative.
Start the RELucator or Qualifying Person, Relative Tool
Frequently Asked Questions about a Qualifying Person, Relative as Other Dependent
Who qualifies as an Other Dependent versus Dependent?
Dependents are generally individuals who have a closer relationship to the filing taxpayer than other dependents have. For example, parents, boyfriends or girlfriends, relatives, etc. may qualify as other dependents or what is also called a qualifying person or relative. Don't let the term "relative" confuse you; not only do qualifying relatives (blood relatives) qualify as another dependent. The tax credit amount for other dependents is generally less than that for a qualifying dependent.
Should an Other Dependent also file a tax return?
You can claim another dependent on your return even if that person files his or her own tax return. Learn more here if your other dependent needs to or should file a tax return as well. They may need to file if they reached a certain income in a given tax year etc.
Credits or Deductions I may qualify if I claim a Dependent?
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