Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit

The Child and Dependent Care Credit or CDCC is a nonrefundable tax credit which can reduce your tax liability if you paid for childcare during the year. Use the tool below to determine if you are eligible for the credit. Once you have your answer, start your return on and input your details - eFile helps you claim tax credits and deductions so you do not need to memorize which tax savings you qualify for.

Qualifying Person
Expense Payments
Did you pay the expenses to allow you to work or look for work?
What are expense payments?
Payment to a Dependent
Were your payments made to someone you or your spouse could claim as a dependent? Details
Payment To Spouse, Dependent
Were your payments made to your spouse or to the parent of your qualifying person who is your qualifying child and under age 13 as of December 31?
Payment To Child Under 19
Were your payments made to your child who was under the age of 19 at the end of the year? Details
Are you single?
Joint Tax Return
Are you filing a joint return? Details
Considered Unmarried
Do you meet the requirements to be considered unmarried? Details
Care Provider Information
Do you know the care provider's name, address, and identifying number? Details
Did you make a reasonable effort to get this information?
Qualifying Person Criteria
Did you have more than one qualifying person? Details
Dependent Care
Are you excluding or deducting at least $3,000 of dependent care benefits?
Yes, you can claim the Dependent Care Credit for this person, up to $3,000 for one individual or up to $6,000 for two. Maximum Tax Credit is $2,100.
No, you can not claim the Dependent Care Credit for this person.
  • Does this person qualify for the Child Tax Credit?
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  • Is this person your Qualifying Child or Dependent and can they be claimed on your tax return?
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  • Will this person qualify as your Qualifying Relative or Dependent and can be claimed on your tax return?
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Disclaimer: makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the results of this estimator or calculator tool. The results are estimates and for informational purposes only, and should not be relied on for tax advice.
Child Dependent Care Tax Credit

This Child and Dependent Child Care Calculator—CAREucator—will let you know if you qualify for this non-refundable federal tax credit. If you paid someone to care for your child or dependent or another qualifying relative so you and/or your spouse could work, look for work, or go to school, then you may be able to claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit. Find out by launching the tool above..

Did you have earned income during the year?
How is the Child Care Tax Credit calculated?

Note: This tax credit is not the same as the Child Tax Credit. The CAREucator tool will guide you through the following criteria to determine if you qualify for the credit:

  • A: Qualifying Person
  • B: Earned Income
  • C: Work-Related Expense
  • D: Joint Return
  • E: Care Provider Identification

Start the CAREucator above to find out if you qualify for this credit. Or, start a tax return now and get the answer free before you e-file your upcoming return(s), which are due on Tax Day, usually April 15 and find out if you qualify for the Child and Dependent Care Credit. Or, use the current year tax estimator to find out the tax credit amount and how it will impact your tax return.
