Estimate Your 2025 Refund for Your 2024 Tax Return

Note: This Tax Return Calculator is for Tax Year 2024 and uses the latest information provided by the IRS. As new information is released, we will update this page. It seems to be a long time until Tax Year 2024 becomes relevant. However, for good planning, it's never too early. Sign up to TaxPlan, TaxPlay and TaxWin.

Estimate your current 2021 (January 1 - December 31, 2021) Taxes - due April 18, 2022 - with this 2021 Tax Calculator and Refund Estimator. PrepareIT Yourself, But Not Alone on! Find out what your estimated tax refund date will be in 2022.

Estimate Now
eFile in 2025

Set your Tax Goals for 2024 now with the Taxometer and balance your tax withholding.

Tax Return Calculators for back taxes and future taxes.

At, we guarantee you the highest possible refund on your taxes that you are entitled to by law. Based on the information you enter, the eFile Tax App will help you with all the forms required to claim tax credits and deductions you are entitled to. Start your 2024 Return now!

To get a quick estimate on what you could get back, start the calculator below. guarantees you the highest possible refund you are owed by law. Start now and be tax prepared for 2024!

Tax Calculator for 2021 IRS Tax Returns

Estimated Results    $0000

Estimate Your 2022 Tax Refund

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Restart This Tax Return Calculator will calculate and estimate Your 2021 Tax Return. Answer each question by either clicking on the options shown, or by entering $ amounts or other values. For more help, click on the Question Mark symbol at the end of each question.
Select and Click on your Filing Status below.
Restart Take a closer look at Dependents or Other Dependents so you can be certain you will make the right decision. Details about Dependents.
Do you qualify to claim one or more Dependent(s) on your tax return?
Enter the No. of Dependents under the age of 5 (as of Dec. 31, 2021) who qualify for the Child Tax Credit. Ask the Childucator
Enter the No. of Dependents between the ages 6-17 (as of Dec. 31, 2021) who qualify for the Child Tax Credit. Ask the Childucator
Enter the No. of Dependents who qualify for the Other Dependent Tax Credit. Ask the Relative and Childucator
Restart Enter your and your spouse's estimated or reported annual 2021 income from all jobs and income sources.
2021 Annual Wages / Salaries W-2 reported or Paycheck based estimate
IRS Taxes Withheld W-2 reported or Paycheck based estimate
Unemployment Form 1099-G
Self-Employment Form 1099-MISC
Social Security Form SSA or Form 1042S
Retirement Form 1099-R etc.
Farm Profit/Loss statement
Rental / Real Estate Profit/Loss statement or 1099-MISC
Interest / Dividends 1099-INT or 1099-DIV
Long Term Capital Gains / Losses
Short Term Capital Gains / Losses
Refunds / Credits / Offsets
Other Gains / Losses
Other Income
Restart Your 2021 Standard and Reported Deductions for You and Your Spouse Not Sure?
Standard Deduction
Deductible Part of Self-Employment Tax
Qualified Business Income Deduction
Medical / Dental Expenses
Home Mortgage Interest Form 1098
State and Local Taxes (SALT), Sales Taxes
Charity Contributions
IRA Contributions Form 5498
Health Savings Acct. (HSA) Contributions Form 5498-SA
Self-Employed Retirement Plan Contributions
Self-Employed Health Care Premiums
Alimony Paid
Moving Expenses
Tuition and Fees / Student Loan Interest Form 1098-T
Educator Expenses
Early Withdrawl of Retirement Penalty
Casualty / Theft Loss
Investment Interest
Reservist / Performing Artists / Fee-basis Government Expenses
Deduction for Other Taxes Paid
Other Deductions
Restart Are you responsible for any of these Taxes or did you make any of these Repayments for Tax Year 2021? Details
Alternative Minimum Tax
First-Time Homebuyer Credit Repayment
Unreported Social Sec./Medicare
Premium Tax Credit Repayment
Tax on IRAs / Other Savings Accounts
Household Employment Taxes
Other Taxes You Pay
Restart *Click on the Tax Credits Help below for instructions on the amount to enter. Details
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Credit for Other Dependents
Actual Child Tax Credit
Advance Child Tax Credit Payments*
Adjusted Child Tax Credit*
Recovery Rebate Credit*
Child and Dependent Care Expenses* - Use the CAREucator to see if you qualify for this Expense/Credit.
- If you do, complete Form 2441 to determine your Credit amount.
American Opportunity Credit* Education Tax Credit
Lifetime Learning Credit*
Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit*
Retirement Savings Contributions Credit*
Residential Energy Credit*
Foreign Tax Credit*
Other Tax Credits*
Restart Enter the following Tax Payment amounts you made during Tax Year 2021. As a result, they will increase your Tax Refund or reduce your Taxes Owed.
IRS Federal Taxes Withheld Through Your Paycheck(s) - As reported on your and spouse's 2021 W-2(s) or estimated tax withholding through all 2021 paychecks
Taxes You Paid When You Filed an IRS Tax Extension for a 2021 Tax Year Return
Excess Social Security Taxes Withheld in 2021
2020 Tax Year Tax Overpayments
2021 Tax Year Tax Estimates
You Have Successfully Completed Your 2021 IRS Income Tax Return Calculation
Estimated Tax Refund
Estimated Taxes Owed
It looks like you are not getting a Tax Refund, nor will you owe additional Taxes.
Enter your email address to have the detailed results emailed to you, including Tax Tip and Promo Codes.
Email Me My Detailed Estimated Results We will not share your email with anybody, You can unsubscribe at any time.
Starting in January 2022, you can prepare and eFile 2021 IRS and State Tax Returns.
Have A Tax Question?
Your Estimated 2021 Tax Return Details
Estimated Tax Refund
Estimated Taxes Owed
It looks like you are not getting a Tax Refund, nor will you owe additional Taxes.
Your Estimated 2021 Tax Return Forms Needed

Form 1040 Version

Form 1040
Form 1040-SR

Supporting Schedules

Schedule 1 Additional Income and Adjustments to Income
Schedule 2 Additional Taxes
Schedule 3 Additional Credits and Payments

Income Forms

Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement
Form 1099-INT Interest Income
Form 1099-DIV Dividends and Distributions
Form 1099-SSA Social Security Benefits Statement
Form 1099-R Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
Form 1099-G Certain Government Payments
Form 1099-MISC Miscellaneous Income
Schedule B Interest and Ordinary Dividends
Schedule C Profit or Loss from Business (Sole Proprietorship)
Schedule D Capital Gains and Losses
Schedule E Supplemental Income and Loss
Schedule F Profit or Loss from Farming
Other Types of Income [[Link to Taxable Income Page]]

Deduction Forms

Schedule 8812 Qualified Business Income Deduction
Schedule A Itemized Deductions
Form 8283 Noncash Charitable Contributions
Form 1098-E Student Loan Interest Statement
Form 1098 Mortgage Interest Statement
Form 4952 Investment Interest Expense Deduction
Form 8889 Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
Form 4684 Casualties and Thefts
Form 3903 Moving Expenses
Form 2106 Employee Business Expenses

Forms for Additional Taxes

Schedule SE Self Employment Tax
Form 6251 Alternative Minimum Tax
Form 5405 Repayment of the First-Time Homebuyer Credit
Form 8919 Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wagest
Form 5329 Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts
Form 8962 Premium Tax Credit (PTC)
Schedule H Household Employment Taxes
Form 8959 Additional Medicare Tax
Form 8960 Net Investment Income Tax—Individuals, Estates, and Trusts

Credits Forms

Form 1040 Schedule 8812 Child Tax Credit
Form 1040 Schedule EIC Earned Income Tax Credit
Form 2441 Child and Dependent Care Expenses
Form 8863 Education Credits
Form 8962 Premium Tax Credit (PTC)
Form 8880 Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions
Form 5695 Residential Energy Credit
Form 1116 Foreign Tax Credit
Restart Your W-4 Tax Withholding

New: Adjust and create your (and your spouse's) W-4 Tax Withholding Form(s) based this Tax Return estimate. If you expect a Tax Refund, do not hand over your hard earned money to the IRS only to get that same money back as a refund with your next tax return.
Manage your tax return goals via your W-4(s) now. Make it your next tax return goal to balance your refund or taxes owed. A tax refund is a bit like a self imposted financial penalty!

Balance Your Tax Withholdings
WPRO-1 Your Filing Status as of Dec. 31, 2021.
WPRO-2 Your Adjusted Gross Income or AGI as estimated here by this Tax Return Estimator.
WPRO-3 Your Tax Liability as calculated based on Filing Status and AGI.
WPRO-4 Number of Other Dependents as of December 31, 2021.
WPRO-5 Non-Refundable Tax Credits.
WPRO-6 Adjusted Total Tax Liability.
WPRO-7 Your IRS Taxes Withheld from all of your W-2 Income. See section or tab 03 Income.
WPRO-8 Your Dependents under the age of 17 (Age as of December 31, 2021). Unlike a tax return, for tax planning purposes you can estimate the number of Dependents on the W-4.
WPRO-9 Total IRS Taxes you paid during the year. This is a combination of your Federal Income Taxes (07 Paid Taxes) paid and any other fully (06 Credits) Refunadble Tax Credits you qualify for.
WPRO-10 2021 Estimated Tax Refund. Your refund has been determined by this Tax Return Estimator based on the tax data you entered.
WPRO-10 2021 Estimated Taxes Owed. Your tax owed has been determined by this Tax Return Estimator based on the tax data you entered.
WPRO-11 Enter the date you will submit this W-4 Form to your employer or payroll department.
WPRO-12 In addition to your current IRS tax withholding (which is most likely based on your latest W-4), and based on your entries, we suggest you withhold this additional tax amount in order to balance, or reduce the taxes owed with your 2021 tax return. Based on the data entered and the tax refund amount shown at WPRO-10 above, we suggest you reduce your tax withholding to this amount per month between now and December. This would reduce your tax refund and help balance your next tax return. Your net paycheck would increase between now and December. If $0 click next.
At this point of the year, you have already withheld too much in IRS taxes. As a result, you should receive a tax refund. However, between now and December, we suggest you reduce your per paycheck tax withholding. This would increase your paycheck(s) between now and December, and reduce - not balance - your next tax return tax refund.
WPRO-13 Enter the number of jobs you (and your spouse) are holding now simultaneously or parallel. Let's say you are single and have 2 jobs now, enter 2. If you and your spouse both jobs or multiple jobs now enter 2 or 3 etc. (Note: This is not all jobs you and your spouse have held during this year.)
WPRO-14 Enter the number of jobs you want to withhold the amount listed in WPRO-12 e.g. 1 or 2 etc. You can divide this amount over your jobs and pay periods, or just 1 job.
Since you want to change W-4s for the number of current jobs listed in WPRO-13, start and complete each job one at a time. When done, this tool will guide on how to complete the next W-4. Note: For the next job, you do not need to change anything from WPRO-1 to WPRO-13 above, just from WPRO-15 forward.
WPRO-15 Enter how often you get paid for this job. For example, if you get one paycheck per month enter 1. If you get 2 paychecks a month enter 2. If you get paid every week enter 4.
WPRO-16 Based on your entry in WPRO-14 and WPRO-15 your extra tax withholding per pay period for this job will be:
WPRO-16 Based on WPRO-14 and WPRO-15 you should withhold the following amount in additional IRS withholding each pay period and you should not owe any taxes with your next tax return.
WPRO-17 Other Income: Enter the same amount for Other Income here as you had entered on your previous W-4 for this job or Other Income you might have for this year. As a result you would withhold taxes through this job for the Other Income. You can enter 0 here if you want to withhold taxes via Form 1040-ES for example.
WPRO-18 Deductions: Enter the same amount for Deductions here as you had entered on your previous W-4 for this job. if you don not know enter 0
WPRO-19 Dependents or Children under the age of 17. Enter the same number of Dependents you had entered on your previous W-4 for this job. If you do not remember, only enter all Dependents here if this is the highest paying of the 2 jobs, otherwise enter 0.
WPRO-20 Other Dependents. Dependents or Children under the age of 17. Enter the same number of Dependents you had entered on your previous W-4 for this job. If you do not remember, only enter all Dependents here if this is the highest paying of the 2 jobs, otherwise enter 0.
WPRO-14 Enter the Annual Gross Income Amount from your or spouse's highest paying job here as listed on the W-2. If one job, the app listed the amount here based on your earlier entry. W-2 Line 1
WPRO-15 Other Income: This is for income you are not currently withholding IRS taxes. Enter 0 (zero) if you do not have Other Income.
WPRO-16 Your IRS Tax Withholding at the end of 2021 will be based on this amount.
Unfortunately, the W-4 form does not enable a taxpayer to enter monthly or per paycheck tax withholding amount, thus we have to create this via Deductions. Since the W-4 form does not let you enter a fixed tax withholding amount, We have to use Deduction to bring your paycheck tax withholding to zero.
WPRO-17 Enter an estimated deduction amount here and click Estimate. Start with $10,000 and click Estimate to adjust the deduction $ amount until it matches or comes close to the amount in WPRO-12. Enter a high Deduction amount here and click Estimate until WPRO-17 below shows 0 or the same as in WPRO-12 (see above). Tip: If you increase the Deduction amount your Tax Withholding will decrease or if you decrease the Deduction amount here, your Tax Withholding will increase. Keep in mind this needs to be done in order to calculate the actual tax withholding amount.
WPRO-18A Suggested Withholding Amount from WPRO-12 above. Keep changing WPRO-17 and estimating until WPRO-18A and WPRO-18B match or are close.
WPRO-18B This will be the actual Tax Withholding amount per month. Compare this with the suggested withholding amount above. You control this amount via the Estimated Deduction amount in WPRO-17. A higher deduction amount will lower the actual withholding amount.
WPRO-19 Extra Tax Withholding will be listed on W-4 line 4c. However, if you got or expect a refund 0 is entered here. If you owed or expect to owe the tool will place the amount here suggested.
Info-PRO1 The information you enter here will be listed on your W-4 including the signature. We do not keep or share this information with anybody.
First Name
Middle Name Initial
Last Name
City / Town
Info-PRO2 Your Social Security Number or SSN. The number will only be listed on your W-4. We do not store or share this information.
Info-PRO3 Type or Draw your Signature. It will be listed on your W-4 and not stored.
Draw your signature
Info-PRO4 Your W-4 will be emailed to the Email Address you enter here. Enter one email address at a time; enter additional emails one by one and email your W-4 to the recipient(s) e.g. employer etc. (not the IRS).
Complete the W-4 for the next job

If the TAXstimator results are what you expected, start your 2024 Tax Return now!

If not, contact us and let's take a look at this.

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