Estimate, Calculate 2021 Tax Returns
Start the TAXstimator
Then select your IRS Tax Return Filing Status.
Is your tax refund different compared to other tax calculators? If so, not sure why? Compare Taxpert®, TurboTax®, H&R Block® Calculators now!
Feedback, Ratings From Other eFilers
"So easy! I love that the info from previous years is pre-filled so updating and making changes/additions is so simple."
Lisa in CT
Multi year eFiler
"I’ve been a longtime user of your service, probably close to 15 years, and have never had any issues so don’t change a thing!"
Andrew in NJ
15 year eFiler
TurboTax® is a registered trademark of Intuit, Inc.
H&R Block® is a registered trademark of HRB Innovations, Inc.