Illinois Tax Brackets, Rates, and Standard Deductions
Detailed Information about Illinois state income tax brackets and rates, standard deduction information, and tax forms by tax year etc. can be found on this page.
Also, you will find links to other important Illinois income tax return information and other related features (e.g. tax extension, amendment, etc.).
Illinois Income Tax Returns
Prepare only an IL State Return without an IRS return.
File a Illinois Tax Amendment
Current Illinois Income Tax Forms
Illinois Tax Brackets, Rates explained
IRS Tax Brackets, Rates by Tax Year
Prepare and e-File your Illinois Income Taxes here on together with your Federal Income Tax Return. Per IRS/State regulation - not - an Illinois state tax return can only be e-Filed together with an IRS tax return. Instruction how to only prepare a IL state return on and then download, print sign and mail it in.
Income Tax Brackets, Rates, Income Ranges, and Estimated Taxes Due
Your Illinois Income is based on a flat tax rate. When you prepare your return on this is all calculated for you.
Illinois Tax Brackets for Tax Year 2023
2023 Illinois net income is taxed at a 4.95% flat rate.
Illinois Tax Brackets for Tax Year 2022
2022 Illinois net income was taxed at a 4.95% flat rate.
Illinois Tax Brackets for Tax Year 2021
In 2021, Illinois net income was taxed at a 4.95% flat rate.
Illinois Standard and Itemized Deductions
Illinois does not have standard and itemized deductions, nor do they use the federal standard deduction amounts.
TurboTax® is a registered trademark of Intuit, Inc.
H&R Block® is a registered trademark of HRB Innovations, Inc.