Illinois Income Tax Filing Deadlines by Tax Year

While some deadlines are for the current tax year, the table below also includes deadlines for upcoming tax years and those set by the IRS or federal government.

April 15, 2024
Tax Year 2023
Income Tax Return
Prepare and e-File an IRS (Due Date April 15, 2024) and Illinois State Income Tax Return (Due Date April 15, 2024) until October 15, 2024. - eFileIT
April 15, 2024
2023 Income Tax Extension
Tax Year 2023
Income Tax Return after the April 15, 2024 Illinois Tax Extension
Last day to e-File a 2023 Illinois State Income Tax Return for Tax Extension Filers and late eFilers. You can only e-File (to file by paper see below) Illinois Income Tax Return together with an IRS Tax Return. eFileIT
October 15, 2024 via mail-in Forms.
Forms incl. Mailing Address are listed below.
Tax Year 2023
Income Tax Return after the April 15, 2024 Illinois Tax Extension
Deadline for taxpayers who got a IL Tax Extension to file their Illinois Income Tax Return by mail-in Forms - the Forms incl. mailing addresses are listed below - is October 15, 2024. (Optionally, the eFileIT deadline is Oct. 15, 2024). Instructions on how to only - without the IRS return - prepare and file an Illinois State Income Tax Return on
Tax Amendment for all Tax Years
IRS Due Dates
IRS Tax Return, Extension, Amendment Deadlines
2024, 2025, etc.
Other State Tax Return, Extension, Amendment Deadlines
Select respective State Tax Return Deadlines.
2024, 2025, etc.
IRS Federal Income Tax Return, Amendment, Extension Deadlines
April 15, 2027
2023 Illinois Income Tax Return Refund.
IRS Tax Return Refund Claim Deadline
The last day to file - you will not face late filing penalties - and claim your 2023 Illinois Income Tax Return Refund. This deadline does not apply if you owe 2023 Income Taxes.
