2026 Income Tax Estimator, Calculator

This Tax Return Calculator will calculate and estimate your 2026 Tax Return (currently based on 2024 and some 2023 data as the new 2026 data has not yet been released). We will update this tool as soon as the data becomes available.
Answer each question by either clicking on the options shown or by entering dollar ($) amounts or other values. For more help, click on the question mark symbol at the end of each question.
Tax Calculator, Refund Estimator for 2026 IRS Tax Returns
Got different Tax Refund, Return Results? Compare now: eFile.com Taxpert® with TurboTax®, H&R Block®
At the end of the tax calculator you can create your new 2024 W-4 or tax withholding Form.
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"So easy! I love that the info from previous years is pre-filled so updating and making changes/additions is so simple."
Lisa in CT
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"I’ve been a longtime user of your service, probably close to 15 years, and have never had any issues so don’t change a thing!"
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H&R Block® is a registered trademark of HRB Innovations, Inc.