Child Tax Credit Calculator 2022

The Child Tax Credit is a partially refundable tax credit ($1,500 partially refundable for qualifying individuals) via the Additional Child Tax Credit. This CTC calculator not only informs you if a person qualifies as a dependent on your 2022 Tax Return, but also if you qualify for the Child Tax Credit, the Dependent Care Credit, and/or the Other Dependent Credit.

How to Claim the Child Tax Credit?

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Find out if you can claim the Child Tax Credit or the Other Dependents Credit.

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Child Tax Credit Educator
Is the person a United States citizen, U.S. national, or a resident alien with a valid SSN, ITIN, or ATIN and was born on or before December 31, 2022? More Qualifying Details.
How is this person related to you? Relationship Details.
Was the child under the age of 17 as of Dec. 31 of the tax year? Dependents and Age.
Was your child:
  • - Under age 17?
  • - A student under age 24?
  • - Permanently or totally disabled at any age?
  • If any of the above are true, select Yes below.
Did the child live with you for more than half of the year?
Did the child provide more than half of his or her own support for the year?
Did the child file a joint tax return?
Is the person a qualifying dependent of any other taxpayer?
Did the person live with you all year as a member of your household?
Was the person's gross income for the year
MORE than $4,300? Qualifying Relative Income.
Did you provide more than half - 50% plus -
of the person's total support for the year? Support Details.
Did you have earned income during the tax year? Details on Earned Income.
Did you pay expenses for the care of your dependent to allow you to work or look for work? Dependent Care Expense Details.
Are you excluding or deducting at least $3,000 of dependent care benefits for this dependent?
Were your dependent care payments made to:
  • - Someone you or your spouse could claim as a dependent?
  • - Your spouse?
  • - The parent of your qualifying child who is under age 14?
  • - Your child who was under age 17 at the end of the tax year?
Select your Filing Status
Do you know the care provider’s name, address, and identifying number? Or if not, did you make a reasonable effort to get this information? (See due diligence.)
Here are your results:
Is this person your dependent and can they be included on your tax return?
Does this person qualify for the Child Tax Credit, worth up to $2,000 per child ($1,500 refundable)? Why not $3,600?
Does this person qualify for the Credit for Other Dependents, worth up to $500 per person?
Can you claim the Dependent Care Credit for this person, worth up to $2,100? Why not $8,000?
Learn more about the Additional Child Tax Credit. When you prepare you Taxes via the tax app. the app will determine if you qualify for this credit or not.
Email Me My Results, Promo Codes We will not share your email with anybody; you can unsubscribe at any time.
Start a current year return now on for more personalized results before you eFile your Taxes.

Once you have determined if someone is your qualifying dependent, create a free account and start preparing to file your 2024 year taxes online. The eFile Tax App will fill in all the complicated IRS forms and help you claim any other credits and tax deductions you may be entitled to.

Important: For 2022 Returns, the amount of the Child Tax Credit CTC was reverted back to the normal credit amount of $2,000 per dependent. The enhanced Child Tax Credit amounts were for 2021 only.
