New York Income Tax Extension

How to file a New York Tax Extension. Points to consider when to prepare extensions.

Extension Situation
Extension Suggestion
New York Tax Refund

Option 1: If you don't owe New York income taxes or anticipate a tax refund by the deadline, you are not required to file for a New York tax extension. However, if you expect a refund, you must file or e-File your New York tax return to receive your refund.

Option 2: If you've eFiled for a federal extension and do not owe New York income taxes or anticipate a tax refund by the deadline, your accepted federal extension will serve as your state extension as well, eliminating the need to mail in Form IT-370.

Owe New York Taxes

Option 1: Pay all or a portion of your New York income taxes online through the official New York State Department of Taxation and Finance website: New York Tax Online Service.

Option 2: If you owe New York income taxes, it is essential to submit a New York tax return or extension by the tax deadline to avoid late filing penalties. Please note that you can eFile an IRS tax extension, but not a New York extension. The tax extension will provide relief from late filing penalties until the October deadline. It is important to pay all your taxes or eFile your tax return by the October deadline to prevent the late filing penalties from resuming after that date.

Option 3: Fill out Form IT-370 completely, then mail it to the address provided along with a check or money order. Important: You must still file your NY tax return by the deadline in October, whether you filed an extension or not. You can do this by using eFile or paper filing.

New York Income Tax Calculator
New York Tax Deadlines
Tax Penalties
Important: You may be subject to IRS and NY late filing penalties if you owe income taxes to both New York and the IRS and you fail to file an IRS and New York tax return or an extension by the Tax Due Date. Compute the IRS late filing and penalty amounts. Furthermore, you will incur late tax payment penalties if you fail to pay your taxes by the deadline. Only the late filing penalties—not the late tax payment penalties—will be waived by timely filing an extension. In general, late filing penalties are more severe than late payment penalties, so even if you are unable to make a timely payment, make sure to file on time!
Discuss your extension questions and goals with a Taxpert for free and we will guide you through the process.
