Fill Out, Sign A W-4 Form
This W4 Form Tool lets you complete, sign, and create your W-4 which will be emailed as an attachment to you ( does not store or share any of your W-4 information). You can then submit or email the W-4 PDF Form via this tool to your employer, not the IRS. Watch the W-4 video for more details. Since tax refunds are generally the result of too much tax withholding based on the W-4 form per pay period, it has become even more important to plan tax withholding in connection with the next tax return. Use the Taxometer if you want to select one of the other W-4 Form Tools or see the fillable W4 Form. Otherwise, start the online W-4 tool below. Here are the State Tax Withholding or Exemption Forms.
Submit the W-4 to your employer so you can start withholding less or more based on your income situation. Then, create a free eFile account so you can prepare and e-file your taxes to see how your withholding went. Compare to popular tax preparation platforms and see how eFile provides your own Personal Support Page for all your tax questions.
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