Washington Income Taxes
"The Evergreen State"
Since Washington does not collect an income tax on individuals, you are not required to file a WA state income tax return. However, you may need to prepare and e-file a federal income tax return. Note: Spokane area residents affected by 2023 wildfires have until June 17, 2024 to file and pay various 2023 income taxes and returns.
Start Federal Income Tax Return
Washington Tax Facts, Information
Washington Tax Information and Contacts
Washington Income Tax Code
Washington has no personal income tax code.
Washington has a 7.0% long term capital gains tax which applies on the sale of stocks, bonds, business interest, and other investments. However, the capital gains tax does not to apply to other assets such as real estate, retirement accounts, certain livestock, commercial fishing privileges, and more. You may need to file a capital gains tax return if you sold long term assets shown above, and the gains exceed the $250,000 threshold.
Washington has a starting 6.5% state sales tax rate, which also applies to some services. Though purchases of certain foods and food ingredients are exempt from the sales tax, soft drinks, prepared foods, and dietary supplements, and food products sold with eating utensils are taxable. Washington state considers plates, napkins, and forks eating utensils, but not packaging or containers used to transport food items.
Washington Tax Fact
Washington state has a "syrup tax." The $1-per-gallon tax is imposed on the retail or wholesale of syrup used to make carbonated beverages. It's collected by wholesalers when the syrup is sold. If retailers didn't pay the tax on their wholesale purchase, they directly pay the tax to the Washington Department of Revenue. Successive sales of previously-taxed syrup are exempt from the tax. Funds collected from the "syrup tax" are used by the WA violence reduction/drug enforcement account.
Washington Marriage Penalty
Washington Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment benefits are not subject to income taxes since Washington does not collect individual income tax. See other U.S. states, territories, and protectorates.
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