IL Tax Return Rejection Code IL1040-10500-2

The Illinois Dep. of Taxation/Revenue etc. is asking you to make a correction and on your IL Tax Return.

Solution: Please sign in to your account now and review the messages on the right side page.

1. Sign in:

2. Then click on State Taxes on the left and on the right side the small blue link: I'd like to see the forms I've filled out or search for a form then select the state in question and edit the form.

3. Click on IL and the down arrow on the right and review Form IL 1040. During checkout make sure you enter the correct State ID Number or IL driver license identification.

If you do not have this information mail in your IL return.

Find the IL mailing address here at the bottom of this page:

If you have questions, please contact us as soon as possible so we can assist you with your Tax Return.

