MN Tax Return Rejection Code 0008

Problem: The Minnesota Department of Taxation is asking you to make a correction on your MN Tax Return.

Solution: Please sign in to your account now and click on My Return in the upper left.

1. Sign in:

2. Click on My Return on the upper left and check the message on the right side.

On the left click on State Taxes and then the link on the right side:

I'd like to see the forms I've filled out or search for a form

Select the MN forms and review your MN return and Social Security Number (SSN).  

If your SSN is correct, you must have filed a MN return with the primary taxpayer social security number already, either as primary taxpayer or as a spouse within the state of MN. If the SSN is incorrect, please correct it under Names & Address. If you federal return was already accepted under the previously entered SSN, you may need to file a tax amendment. Otherwise, create a new state return and download, print and mail it in from your My Account.

If you have questions, please contact us as soon as possible so we can assist you with your Tax Return.

