Relative as Dependent in 2025?
Qualifying Relative
For 2025
Did you know that friends, parents, friends, relatives, boy- or girlfriend etc. my qualify as a Dependent on a Tax Return or what is called a Qualifying Relative. Don't let the term "Relative" confuse you here; not only qualifying children may qualify as a Dependent.
Attention: This tool is for tax year 2025 and is being updated; click here for the current tax year qualifying relative.

Qualifying Relative?
A qualifying relative is a person who meets the IRS requirements to be your dependent for tax purposes. If someone is your qualifying relative, then you can claim them as a dependent on your tax return. They may also qualify for the Child Tax Credit, Credit for Other Dependents, or the Child and Dependent Care Credit.
Important: Even though it's called qualifying relative, the individual does not necessarily have to be your relative.
- A Qualifying Relative must be either related to you in one of the ways listed in the tool below, OR must live with you all year as a member of your household
- Qualifying Relatives can be Dependents of any age, including those who are age 18 or older
- A Qualifying Relative must have a valid Social Security numbers or TIN (tax payer identification number)
- You must generally provide more than half of Qualifying Relative's total support during the calendar year
Despite the name, an IRS Qualifying Relative does not necessarily have to be related to you. This means you may be able to claim a boyfriend or girlfriend etc. or life partner. Use the RELucator tax tool below to find out if you have a qualifying relative and see if they qualify for other tax credits!
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See more details on claiming a qualifying relative on your return. Generally, if someone lives with you and you take care of them, they may qualify as your dependent for tax purposes. This includes family relatives, but also can include a boyfriend or girlfriend. It does not, however, include a wife or husband for which you provide support for. There are no circumstances when you can claim your spouse as a dependent on your taxes, even if you provide their support (stay-at-home parent, disabled spouse, unemployed, etc.). When you file as married filing jointly, you are given several tax breaks.
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