Form OR-40-EXT: Automatic Extension of Time to File Oregon Individual Income Tax Return

Form OR-40-EXT, also known as "Publication OR-40-EXT: Instructions for Automatic Extension of Time to File Oregon Individual Income Tax Return", is a document provided by the Oregon Department of Revenue (DOR). It explains the process of requesting an automatic six-month extension to file your Oregon individual income tax return.

What is the Purpose of Form OR-40-EXT?

The primary purpose of Form OR-40-EXT is to grant you an additional six months to file your Oregon individual income tax return. The standard due date for filing Oregon income taxes is April 15th, along with federal taxes. However, unforeseen circumstances may prevent you from completing your return by that date.

Who Should Use Form OR-40-EXT?

Not everyone in Oregon needs to file Form OR-40-EXT. Here's a breakdown of who should consider using this form:

A. Owe Oregon Tax and Need More Time: If you anticipate owing Oregon income tax and cannot finish your return by April 15th, then Form OR-40-EXT can provide you with valuable extra time.

B. No Federal Extension But Owe Oregon Tax: If you didn't file for a federal extension (Form 4868) but still owe Oregon taxes, you'll need Form OR-40-EXT.

Who Shouldn't Use Form OR-40-EXT?

A. Federal Extension Holders: Oregon honors valid federal extensions. If you already filed for a federal extension, you don't need a separate Oregon extension unless you owe Oregon-specific taxes not covered by the federal filing.

B. Don't Owe Oregon Tax: There's no penalty for filing late if you don't owe any Oregon income tax. You can simply file your return anytime within three years of the original due date and claim any potential refund.

Key Points about Form OR-40-EXT

Extended Due Date: Filing with an OR-40-EXT extension grants you an additional six months to file your Oregon return. The extended due date for tax year 2023 filings is typically October 15, 2025.

Payment with Extension: An extension to file is not an extension to pay. You are still obligated to estimate your tax liability and make a payment by the original due date (April 15) to avoid late-payment penalties and interest.

Fiscal Year Filers: If you file on a fiscal year basis, adjust the deadlines accordingly.

Do I need both a federal and Oregon extension?

No, if you have a valid federal extension and don't owe specific Oregon taxes, you don't need a separate Oregon extension.

What happens if I miss the October 15th extended deadline?

Filing late can result in penalties and interest charges on any unpaid taxes. The penalty for late filing is 5% per month (up to 25%) of the unpaid tax, and there's also interest charged on the unpaid amount.

Where can I get Form OR-40-EXT?

You can download the latest version of Form OR-40-EXT attached below.
