Form 1NPR (2023): Wisconsin Income Tax Nonresident & Part-Year Resident

Form 1NPR is a Wisconsin (WI) income tax return for nonresidents and part-year residents who earned income in the state during 2023. It calculates the amount of income tax owed to WI based on the portion of income earned within the state.

Who Should File Form 1NPR?

A. Nonresidents: You qualify as a nonresident if your primary residence wasn't in Wisconsin for all of 2023. This includes students, seasonal workers, or those who moved in or out of state during the year.

B. Part-Year Residents: If you lived in Wisconsin for part of 2023 and another state for the rest, you're considered a part-year resident.

What Information Do I Need to File?

A. Federal Tax Return: You'll need information from your federal tax return (Form 1040) to complete Form 1NPR.

B. Income Earned in Wisconsin: This includes wages, interest, dividends, rent, and any other income sourced from Wisconsin.

C. Proof of Residency: Documentation like a driver's license or voter registration from your state of residence might be required.

D. Taxes Paid to Another State: If you paid income taxes to another state, gather proof of payment for claiming a credit.

Key Points to Remember About Form 1NPR:

Filing Deadline: The deadline to file Form 1NPR is typically April 15th of the following year, aligning with the federal tax filing deadline. However, extensions may be available. Check the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website for the latest information on filing deadlines and extensions.

E-filing: Consider e-filing Form 1NPR. This is the fastest and most secure way to submit your return.

Tax Payment: If you owe Wisconsin taxes after claiming credits, you'll need to submit payment with your return.

To access the current year's Form 1NPR, click here.
